Yeh… WHAT?!
Another of our clients in the technology & science space is government-funded.
The owner of the business told me they pay MORE to the ATO than they are required to.
They pay more than their fair share of tax
and are happy to.
Their adherence to compliance is impeccable.
In fact, they go overboard.
Because they are audited, they recognise that, if they are investigated and are seen to be impeccable with their record keeping and practices, the ATO will spend less time at their office, auditing, auditing, auditing away our hard earned tax dollars.
That’s a win win for all because the business owner gets on with the business of running the business sooner, our tax dollars may be used more effectively elsewhere and we all get to sleep well.
Good idea for you and your business too?
At least sleeping well at night means everyone would benefit from a less grumpy you, including YOU!
Now that benefit is priceless, no?!